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Good Afternoon Process followers. I want to write and explain what I mean in the recruiting process when I say that everyone has their own individual process. I often see and hear from people that they just do not understand recruiting and that their son or daughter is better than someone that just committed and how did that player get chosen over mine. The question is well founded, but understanding how it came to play is the hard part. I often will shake my head when I see a kid that is going somewhere and i think is this actually true. The one thing you have to understand is that every coach has their own way of recruiting and evaluating players. Coaches have different philosophies, look for different attributes in different positions, so so many things. Grades, how you carry yourself, reports, family support. All of these things and more have a part in recruiting.

In 36 years of coaching and 14 running my nationwide recruiting business I will never say, "I have seen it all now". Part of my job as a coach and also as an award winning Recruiting Consultant is to know and be aware of coaches, how they run their programs, what they look for and get them those clients and players that I have that fit the mode they want. Yes, there are times where I fight on a kid that I really think would be a positive for their program. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. That is life, that is athletics. I always tell my players and clients, let's find the right fit academically, athletically and socially. You should tell me if I wasn't playing sports here this is the school I would want to attend because it will take care of me the next 40 years of my life.

Players, when you are coming down to the end of your process and trying to iron out all the details. You need to look the coaches in the eye, if you are there on campus or ask them what are their plans for you with the program. Simple question that I do not think gets asked enough by kids or families. This is why there are so many transfer portal kids at this time. If you are a kid that is willing to sit and be a developmental project for 1 or 2 years, then be willing to do that and strive to earn that position always in that time. If you are a kid that is looking to go in and play, then you have the wrong school.

D1's at this point are over recruiting kids getting them to commit and the kids are excitd and get on campus only to find out there are 6 or 7 kids fighting for the position and they are keeping 2. So that means there will be a lot of kids sitting it out or hitting the portal.

Do your research, se what the style and the way that schools operate. Know all the answers before you commit. D1 D2 D3 NAIA and JUCO. 6% of all HS players will play at one of these levels. Give yourselves a hand because 94% of kids in the USA would gladly trade places with you in a heartbeat.

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1 Comment

Aug 23, 2023

Love the honest approach you take.. Very well said...

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