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Analytics VS Eye Test : My Opinion in Recruiting

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

In my business as a college recruiting service consultant and as a college baseball coach I often get involved in the analytical game vs the eyes on game many times. Coaches have their philosophies and their favorite ways of gathering information on potential recruits. You may call it "Old School" vs "New School", but I believe so much in the eye test and watching a recruit in many ways. I am usually there early to see the players come in and watching them interact with their teammates, go through pre-game and also how they carry themselves through the game. I am there to see them fail more than do good. How do you carry yourself, how do you react. I want kids that understand the game and what it all entails. I want that hard assed kid that will compete, battle and take you to task all the way to the bitter end and know that win or lose he will be back there the very next day doing the same things that make them successful. Showcases really make me laugh. Everything is set up for you to showcase and promote yourself to the best. Groundballs that are easy to read, right and left, show your arm. Hitters, OMG, the almighty EXIT VELOCITY. Kids over swinging, getting out of their element to see how hard you can hit a ball. I look at this and judge in a different means. I look for the kid who rips line drives, stays within himself and drives seeds from right center to left center. I do not need to know that he hit the ball 90+, the results tell me all I need to know. Hit it hard, I see it and hear it off the bat. I was at a showcase scouting kids recently and the talk from the kids was all about the one ball you hit straight at 90+ and not about the 10 you popped up trying to hit the ball far not hard every time. I saw the setup showing spin rate and all this analytical BS about throwing and ball plane. I want to know how hard you throw, can you throw your pitches for strikes and can you do it in a game when there is something on the line. I want competitors on the mound and in positions. I want kids that enjoy to play the game, are coachable and will go out, compete and do all the little things, make all the routine plays that beat teams with "so called" better talent than what is on my roster.

The game has not changed in all the years, just the way in how people look at and assess talent. All of the NEW TECHNIQUES for training and and thinking you are improving the game. The game and sports in general is made up of basic fundamentals that are needed to succeed. Do them and you will have a successful culture and backbone. You will be in every game. Look for the SHOW PONIES and you will usually wonder why you do not get results. This is my opinion and my next opinion will be on football and a breakdown of the same.

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